Custom Made
Securing fenders onto a hand rail, a teak rail, lifeline or bulkheads can be difficult and can cause fender line chafe damage to your boat. The cam cleat style fender hook uses a black Schaefer fast entry aluminum cam cleat to quickly adjust the line of your fender into position. Stainless Steel Cam cleats are an option. We use a metal core in the fender hook shrouded with leather. The outside blue-gray leather contains no dye and has a suede finish to prevent abrasion. The finished black leather is is a chrome tanned leather with a coating for water resistance and is 8 ounce thick. The inside lining is a brown Latigo leather. It is 8 ounce thick which makes it pliable, supple and durable with oils and waxes applied for water resistance.
2″ wide hook for up to a 3/8″ line, formed to any depth, uses a small cam cleat
3″ wide hook for up to a 1/2″ line, formed to any depth, uses a medium cam cleat
4″ wide hook for up to a 5/8″ line, formed to any depth, uses a large cam cleat

To custom order your hook: use a firm, but flexible wire to outline the contour of the application, then copy, trace or scan the outline and email to Boat Leather. Add $50 for a sheepskin lining (in place of the brown latigo base leather).
Other leather colors are available.
BOATLEATHER ® 3050 38th Ave W, Seattle, WA 98199 USA Phone: 206-284-9110
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